Global Signature Courses

Global Signature Courses

What are Global Signature Courses?

Global Signature Courses are part of the courses of UNI – Universum International College which are offered in mixed mode with other partner universities and which are enriched with content from Arizona State University. These courses are taught by UNI professors and are complemented by at least two synchronized interactive hours with other international professors from other partner universities.

How do students benefit?

  • Expanded curriculum, with modern and engaging content that is enriched by Arizona State University content.
  • Courses offered online , with interactive sessions by local professors and complemented by international ones .
  • At least two sessions provided by international lecturers from two other institutions will be included in each course.
  • These subjects ensure an increased connection between other international institutions as well as an extended and sustainable cooperation between the academic staff that goes beyond these subjects.
  • Students engage with other international students.


Jairus Diesta Espiritu

Profesor në universitetin Mapúa në Filipine. Ligjëron lëndën 'Global Ethics'.

Luis Alberto Bernardino Aquino

Profesor në universitetin UAG në Meksikë. Ligjëron lëndën 'Industrial revolution 4.0'.

Juan Francisco Nicolalde Gonzalez

Profesor në universitetin UIDE Ecuador. Ligjëron lëndën 'Sustainability'.

Daniyar Medetov

Profesor në universitetin Almaty Kazakistan. Ligjëron lëndën 'Entrepreneurship'.

Ruth Patricia Navarrete

Profesor në universitetin UFG El Salvador. Ligjëron lëndën 'Impact of Social Media'.

Maria Estefania

Profesor në universitetin UAG Ecuador. Ligjëron lëndën 'Data analytics/Data science'.

Mabeth Francia

Profesor në universitetin Mapua Philippines. Ligjëron lëndën 'Impact of Social Media'.

Emmillie Joy

Profesor në universitetin Mapua Mexico. Ligjëron lëndën 'Healthcare Innovation'.

Jul Aidil

Profesor në universitetin UEU Indonezi. Ligjëron lëndën 'Global economy'.

Vanessa Mhae

Profesor në universitetin MCM Malejzi. Ligjëron lëndën 'Sustainability'.