Projektet Erasmus

Projects Erasmus+

The participation of UNI - Universum International College in the KA1 and KA2 Erasmus+ is an important aspect of promoting international cooperation and exchange between students and staff members in the European Union. UNI-Universum International College has benefited from the Erasmus+ program, increasing its institutional capacity and increasing its international profile. Universum International College is a leader in Kosovo regarding Erasmus + projects, where it implements more than 20 projects in different fields, CBHE, VET, Virtual Exchange, Capacity Building in VET, within KA2 Action on Higher Education funded by the EU Commission.

In addition, the inclusion of Universum International College in Erasmus+ projects helps to promote social inclusion and diversity, by providing opportunities to students and staff from diverse backgrounds to participate in international mobility programs. Overall, this contributes to the strengthening of the education system and the promotion of European values and collaboration.

The capacity building projects in which we have been involved are:


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


  1. Universum International College- UNI
  2. Harokopio University Of Athens (HUA)
  3. European University Of Tirana UET
  4. University Mother Teresa- UMT
  5. Polis University
  6. Kosovo Apparel Marketing Association – KAMA
  7. UET Center
  8. University of Prishtina- UP


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


  1. University Of Piraeus Research Center
  2. Tallinn University Of Technology
  3. Mediterranean University Of Albania
  4. University Of Elbasan Aleksander Xhuvani
  5. Agricultural University Of Tirana
  6. Polytechnic University of Tirana
  7. Universum International College
  8. University Of Prizren Ukshin Hoti


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


  1. University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova – UMFCV
  2. University of Craiova – UCV
  3. Burgas Free University
  4. Mersin University
  5. European University Of Tirana UET
  6. Sports University Of Tirana
  7. Universum International College
  8. Alma Mater European Campus College Rezonanca


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


  1. University of Castilla – La Mancha – UCLM
  2. Niversita Telematics E-Campus
  3. Neapolis University – NUP
  4. European University Of Tirana UET
  5. University of Polis
  6. Professional College of Tirana
  7. Universum International College- UNI
  8. International Business College Mitrovica – IBC-M


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


  1. UMIT TIROL- Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology
  2. HIT Holon Institute of Technology
  3. SHEBA Chaim Sheba Medical Center
  4. Universum International College-UNI
  5. AVETAE Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education with COC – Center of Competence Ferizaj; Kosovo
  6. UNICAMILLUS Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences
  7. CNAI Italian Nurses Association
  8. CreThiDev-Creative Thinking Development


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


  1. Anax Energy Private Capital Company – ANAX ENERGY P.C.
  2. European Center for Social Sciences, Culture and Sports – EQUALINE
  3. Constantin Brancusi Petrila Technical College
  4. UNI- Universum International College
  5. Economic Intelligence Center
  6. University of Sarajevo – UNSA
  7. Center for Support Of Local And Regional Development
  8. Social Innovation And Cohesion Institute


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Akademia Ndërkombëtare e Granteve Evropiane Srl
2. Kompani private e Laboratorit të Kërkimit për Inovacion dhe Zhvillim – ReadLab P.C.
3. Formacao, Consultoria E Inovacao, Lda- ARTS&SKILLS
4. Qendra Evropiane për Ushqim cilësor – ECQ
5. NGO CTRL " Qendra për tranzicionin dhe zhvillimin e shoqërisë lokale "
6. University College Of Business
7. Kosova Chamber Of Commerce
8. Universum College
VET ICT School " Fan S. Noli" - Public School
10. JU Mjesovita srednja skola Bihac


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. European Education Initiative
2. European University Of Tirana UET
3. Universum College UC
4. Shkolla e Shkencës dhe Teknologjisë e Universitetit të Sarajevës
5. Instituti për Evropën Qendrore Lindore dhe Ballkan
6. University Mother Teresa


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Universita Degli Studi Della Tuscia
2. Unitus Universidade Nova De Lisboa
3. Dataninja European Education Initiative
4. European University Of Tirana
5. Mesdheu Education shpk
6. Aleksander Moisiu University Of Durres
7. Universum College
8. RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) College
9. University of Kadri Zeka
10. Univerzitet U Novom Sadu


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

2. Eftychia Papadea Qendra e të mësuarit gjatë gjithë jetës IKE
3. Qendra "Instituti i Bashkëpunimit për Integrim dhe Zhvillim" ICID
4. Shkolla e Shkencës dhe Teknologjisë e Universitetit të Sarajevës
5. Universum College
6. Univerzitet Donja Gorica Podgorica


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Association For Democratic Initiatives
2. Universum College
3. Institute of Roma Culture in Albania
4. Creative Thinking Development


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. EGE University
2. Shkolla e mesme e Anadollit Hayrettin Duran
3. Iscte-Insituto Universitario de Lisboa
4. 3rd Gymnasium of Nikaia
5. Instituto di Istruzione
6. Superiore “Piazza della Resistenza 1”
7. Universum College


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. University Of Aveiro
2. Professional College of Tirana
3. European University Of Tirana UET
4. Tirana Metropolitan University
5. International Business College Mitrovica – IBC-M
6. Universum International College- UNI
7. Mediterranean University UNIM
8. European Association of Vocational Training Providers EVBB
9. Metropolitan College Anonyme Educational Company


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. POLIS University, Albania
2. Universiteti Aleksander Moisiu Durres, Shqiperi
3. Medical University of Tirana, Albania
4. Universiteti Luigj Gurakuqi Shkodër, Shqipëri
5. Universiteti Katolik “Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë”, Shqipëri
6. Epoka University, Albania
7. University of Prishtina, Kosovo
8. Kolegji Ndërkombëtar i Biznesit i Mitrovicës, Kosovë
9. University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro
10. Universiteti Kombëtar dhe Kapodistrian i Athinës, Greqi
11. Masaryk University, Czech Republic
12. University of Limerick, Irland
13. Fondacioni Shqiptar për të Drejtën e Aftësisë së Kufizuar, Shqipëri
14. Universum College
Website: Click HERE


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Universiteti i Monstarit, Bosina dhe Hercegovinë
2. Universiteti Dzemal Bijedic i Mostarit, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë
3. Universiteti i Sarajevës, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
4. Universiteti i Bihacit, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë
University of Tirana, Albania
6. European University of Tirana, Albania
7. University of Vlora, Albania
8. University of Shkodra, Albania
9. University of Korca, Albania
10. University of Pristina, Kosovo
11. Kadri Zeka University, Kosovo
12. UBT College, Kosovo
13. Hellenic Open University, Greece
14. University of Nicosia, Cyprus
15. Metropolitan College, Greece
16. Centre for Social Innovation, Cyprus
17. Ministria e Arsimit Kantonale e Bihacit, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
18. Skybridge Partners Outsourcing IKE, Greqi
19. Universum College
Website: Click HERE


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

KALCEA is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project, led by National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The Consortium has 15 partners, and it is forecasted to last 3 years, with a total budget of 871,050 Eur.

UNI – Universum International College has officially signed into Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) in representation of the Knowledge Triangle for a Low Carbon Economy (KALCEA) project. The primary objective of this MoUs is to ensure the project’s sustained existence and impact even after its initial implementation phase. In essence, it serves as a commitment to support the ongoing sustainability of the KALCEA project by formalizing a collaborative agreement between the involved parties. This agreement establishes a framework for continued cooperation and dedication to the project’s long-term success, underscoring the commitment to maintaining and furthering its objectives beyond its initial phases.

1. Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
2. University of Novi Sad, Serbia
3. Universiteti Aleksander Moisiu Durrës, Shqipëri
4. Universiteti i Dzemal Bijedic Mostar, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
5. Universiteti Ndërkombëtar BURCH, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
6. Vienna University of Technology, Austria
7. Riga Technical University, Latvia
8. Universiteti i Sarajevës Lindore, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë
9. Creative Thinking Development
10. Universiteti i Prishtinës në Mitrovicë të Kosovës, Kosovë
11. European University of Tirana, Albania
12. Universiteti Ndërkombëtar BURCH, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
13. Universum College, Kosovo
Website: Click HERE

MoU’s between Universum International College and KALCEA project

UNI – Universum International College has officially signed into Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) in representation of the Knowledge Triangle for a Low Carbon Economy (KALCEA) project. The primary objective of this MoUs is to ensure the project’s sustained existence and impact even after its initial implementation phase. The MoU of UNI with “Elektroservis”, “Fati im,” and “Relux” aim to provide assistance to college students in enhancing their digital skills and those related to entrepreneurship and innovation through professional development in the field of information technology. These agreements also aim to connect students with the job market, provide career advice for students aiming entrepreneurship, etc.

Dissemination strategy



Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Universiteti Middlesex, Mbretëria e Bashkuar
2. Universiteti i Teknologjisë në Hamburg, Gjermani
3. University of Cagliari, Italy
4. University of Tirana, Albania
5. CESIE, Italy
6. European University of Tirana, Albania
7. University of Prishtina, Kosovo
8. Universiteti i Tuzlës, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë
9. Universiteti Dzemal Bijedic i Mostarit, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë
10. Universum College, Kosovo
Website: Click HERE


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. CIEP asbl – BE.
2. CSC – Service diversité – BE
3. AGFE – FR
4. Associazone PHP – IT
5. CSI – CY
7. Universum College
Website: Click HERE


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Aalborg University, Denmark
2. Universiteti i Teknologjisë i Hamburgut, Gjermani
3. Politecnico di Milano, Italy
4. European University of Tirana, Albania
5. POLIS University, Albania
6. Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
7. Universiteti i Prishtinës “Hasan Prishtina”, Kosovë
8. Universiteti i Gjakovës “Fehmi Agani”, Kosovë
9. Universum College, Kosovo
Website: Click HERE


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2. Universiteti i Duisburgut në Essen, Gjermani
3. Universiteti Kiril dhe Metodi në Shkup, Maqedoni
4. University Mother Teresa, Macedonia
5. Universiteti i Elbasanit Aleksander Xhuvani, Shqipëri
6. Universiteti i Sarajevës, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
7. Shkolla e Shkencës dhe Teknologjisë e Sarajevës SSST, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
8. Univerzitet Donja Gorica, Serbia
9. University of Montenegro, Montenegro
10. University of Novi Sad, Serbia
11. University of Niš, Serbia
12. Universum College, Kosovo
Website: Click HERE


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1.Aalborg University, Denmark
2. Universiteti për Shkenca Shëndetësore, Informatikë Mjekësore dhe Teknologji,
3.Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
4.Hadassah Academic College (HAC), Israel
5.Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
6.Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke, Czech Republic
7.Technological Educational Institute of Crete,Greece
Website: Click HERE


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
2. European University of Tirana, Albania
3. Universiteti i Bihacit, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
4. Universiteti i Sarajevës, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
5. Ministria Kantonale e Arsimit Bihac, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë
6. Universiteti Çek i Shkencave të Jetës, Republika Çeke
7. Universiteti i Shkencave Agronomike Bukuresht, Rumani
8. Institucioni Arsimor Teknologjik i Greqisë Qendrore, Greqi
9. ReadLab C. Greece Technologiko Ekpaideftiko Idryma Steras Elladas, Greece 10. ReadLab C, Greqi
11. Universum College
Website: Click HERE


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Universiteti i Sarajevës, Bosnje dhe Hercegovinë
2. Universiteti i Duisburgut në Essen, Gjermani
3. University of Palermo, Italy
4. Universiteti FH Johanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H, Austri
5. European University of Tirana, Albania
6. Universiteti Shtetëror i Teknologjisë i Vollgës, Rusi
7. Universum College, Kosovo


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. University of Graz, Austria
2. Universiteti i Burimeve Natyrore dhe Shkencave të Jetës, Austri
3. Leuphana University, Germany
4. University of Limerick, Ireland
5. Universum College, Kosovo


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. Strategic partnership for youth.
2. University Of Nicosia , Cypros
3. Law And Internet Foundation, Bulgaria
4. Inkubatori i Lartë që jep rritje dhe qëndrueshmëri, Greqi
5. Centrul Roman De Politici Europene, Rumani
6. Celje Youth Center, Slovenia
7. Universum College, Kosovo


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. University of Salzburg, Austria
2. University College Cork, Ireland
3. University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
4. University Politechnica, Rumania
5. Kosova Accreditation Agency, Kosovo
6. National Qualification Authority, Kosovo
7. Universum College, Kosovo


Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

1. University of Salzburg, Austria
2. University Politechnica, Romania
3. University College Cork, Ireland
4. Universum College, Kosovo