November 22, 2022 2024-06-07 7:53Konferencat
Student scientific conference
Other conferences
Presidenti i UNI - Universum International College powered by Arizona State University, Alejtin Berisha, ishte folës në të njejtën konferencë me Bill Gates dhe Sam Altman të OpenAI, në konferencën më të madhe dhe më të rëndësishme në botë në fushën e teknologjisë në edukim, 𝐀𝐒𝐔+𝐆𝐒𝐕 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭, në San Diego të Kalifornisë.
Më 5 dhe 6 Prill po mbahet Kongresi i II-të Ndërkombëtarë i Profesionistëve të Kujdesit Shëndetësorë me moton “Roli, rëndësia dhe sfida në avancimin e praktikave profesionale shëndetësore".
UNI - Universum International College powered by Arizona State University, si asnjëherë më parë vjen në Education Fair / Panairi i Edukimit, për t'u takuar me maturantët, studentët, prindërit dhe çdo person të interesuar për t'u bërë pjesë e institucionit më të ndërkombëtarizuar në Ballkan dhe të fuqizuar nga Universiteti Shtetëror i Arizonës.
International Teaching Week at #UNI with 13 participants from Belgium, Portugal, Romania, Lithuania, Poland and Bulgaria.
#UNI-Universum International College powered by Arizona State University për herë të gjashtë, këtë javë ka filluar Javën Ndërkombëtare të Mësimdhënies me 𝟏𝟑 𝐩𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐞̈𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞̈𝐬 𝐧𝐠𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐠𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐚, 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚, 𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚, 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚, 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚.
Hosted by Arizona State University and Cintana Education - in Tempe, Arizona, #UNI staff met directly with ASU leaders to discuss implementing the partnership effectively to maximize benefits for our students.
In cooperation with our partner university Thomas More from Belgium, during this week, the largest #InternationalWinterWeek in the Western Balkans was held with 35 participants from partner universities in Europe
The INTERnationalization at Home - #INTERBA project was funded by the European Commission, Erasmus CBHE project.
The project aims to strengthen the international, intercultural, and global dimension through the implementation of contemporary practices of Internationalization at Home (IaH) in partner HEIs to increase the quality of education and make a significant contribution to society.
Partner Universities of UNI - Universum International College in this project were:
Middlesex University, Hamburg University of Technology, University of Cagliari, University of Tirana, CESIE, European University of Tirana, University of Pristina, University of Tuzla, & Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar.
Universum International College powered by Arizona State University, held the Public Lecture, which was organized in #Pink month, the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign.
The former president of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, was present. The panel included Vlora Çitaku, Vildana Goga, Leonora Shabani Bajraktari, Albena Reshitaj, Izet Sadiku and representatives from the Kosovo Security Force and Kosovo Police.
Through this lecture #UNI- Unversum International College aims to raise awareness in society and spread the message of care and love for women's health.
UNI - Universum International College powered by Arizona State University, zyrtarisht ka filluar #InternationalStaffWeek për herë të pestë në Kosovë, me pjesëmarrës nga Universitete partnere të Turqisë.
Gjatë kesaj jave, në #UNI do të qendrojnë 15 profesorë nga Turqia, Dekan, Rektor dhe Prorektor ku do të organizohen edhe ligjërata me tematika të ndryshme për secilin program të studimit.
UNI - Universum International College po vendos Kosovën në hartën e botës
Presidenti i UNI - Universum International College powered by Arizona State University, z. Alejtin Berisha foli në Konferencën më të rëndësishme të arsimit të lartë në Evropë, "THE European Universities Summit", ku fjalimin kryesor e mbajti Presidentja e Universitetit të Oxfordit, i ranguar për tri vite me radhe si Universiteti më i mirë në botë.
NI- Universum International College ka organizuar Simpoziumin e tretë "Kosovo-Turkiye Institutional, Educational and Economic Cooperation", në të cilin morën pjesë profesorë nga Universitete partnere të Turqisë si: Yıldız Technical University, Uşak University dhe Sakarya University of Applied Sciences. Në këtë Simpozium me pjesëmarrjen e tyre na nderuan edhe përfaqësues nga Ambasada e Turqisë në Kosovë.
Profesorët turk bashkë me Departamentin e Dizajnit të Modës në #UNI, ekspozuan disa kostume turke të punuara me materiale të riciklueshme si pjesë e Sustainable Fashion për një ekonomi të qëndrueshme.
The main objective of this Conference was to bring people together and share the latest developments in the field of technology, from the perspective of developers. Participants had the opportunity to participate in seminars by local and international industry experts
The purpose of this conference was to assess the progress made by the countries of the region in relation to the development/implementation of circular economy policies and action plans and to define a way forward for a sustainable future.
7-10 shtator 2022
The NICE Academy Conference was the first international event dedicated to career issues in Kosovo with Universum College as part of the organizing committee. Deep human competencies such as empathy and their impact on careers were discussed at this conference.
During Global Entrepreneurship Week, #KolegjiUniversum in collaboration with STIKK has organized a conference for the presentation of the research "Assessment of digital skills of citizens of Kosovo".
This conference brought together prominent US, UK, EU and WB politicians, diplomats, MPs and civil society actors to discuss global developments and implications for the Western Balkans.
The second international conference was organized by Universum College in cooperation with partner universities. Participants shared their experiences, ideas and research results on social, economic, legal and technological issues.
Universum College has organized a live conference with the Mayor of the Municipality of Pristina Mr. Shpend Ahmeti and the Mayor of the Municipality of Tirana Mr. Erion Veliaj on the topic "Prishtina and Tirana during the pandemic". Both have told about the challenges they are going through during the pandemic and the measures to make life easier for citizens.
At Universum College, an online conference titled "The World after the Pandemic" was held with General Wesley K. Clark (ret.) who has contributed a lot during his role. He has given his opinions based on many years of experience.
In cooperation with IBCM - International Business College Mitrovica, Universum College has organized the conference for the publication of students' works on topics such as: Business and marketing, public administration, computer science, environmental protection, etc.
In times of pandemic, Universum College has organized an online conference with Mr. Robert Wright, General Director of Raiffeisen Bank Kosova on the topic "BANKS IN THE TIME OF THE PANDEMIC". The challenges faced by banks during the pandemic and strategies for the future are analyzed there.
Universum College has organized the conference for the Publication of some Research that students have done within the subject "Research Methods". This conference was aimed at raising the awareness of the participants about important social issues.
Universum College has organized the two-day Student Conference, for the presentation of the research works of students from all departments, works which have been published in the "Student Research Magazine".
Caritas Kosova in cooperation with Universum College has organized the conference "Challenges of young people for employment" within the project "Your Job". Opinions and recommendations regarding the employment of young people were disclosed there.
Innovator, investor, entrepreneur and world-renowned professor, Raphael H Cohen, held a conference in Kosovo with the topic "From idea - to money in the bank: create business opportunities through innovation".
Financial implications in local elections and the impact they may have on the budget and economy of Kosovo was the next conference. Representatives of the government of Kosovo, the World Bank, the IMF, Civil Society and the business community were invited.
This conference was intended to reveal the data for the research done by measuring the trends, dynamics and structure of movements in the employment market in Kosovo. This is statistical data entirely collected and analyzed by Universum College staff and students.
Euro-deputy Ulirike Lunacek held a public lecture with assistant students in the #KosovaAcademyofManagment project of Universum College.
Italian Ambassador Andreas Ferrarese held a public lecture at Universum College on the topic "How Italy can help Kosovo in visa liberalization and the process of integration into the European Union."
Janez Jansa is awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa award by Universum College for his contribution to the freedom and independence of Kosovo, the democratization of the Balkans and the strengthening of relations between Kosovo and Slovenia on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Universum College.
Ambassador Robert Bosch held a public conference at Universum College on the topic "Dutch diplomacy in Kosovo and its focus (public, cultural, economic and digital diplomacy)"
Lord George Robertson, former Secretary General of NATO held a conference in front of Universum College students encouraging them to get involved in politics and take control of their future.
The representative of UNDP in Kosovo, Mr. Andrew Russell, held a conference at Universum College, where the main activities of UNDP in Kosovo were discussed.
The world-famous investor Baybars Altuntas held a conference at Universum College where he talked about the beginnings of his career and his record-breaking book "Off the Bus, Into a Supercar".
German Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger held a conference at Univerum College where he enthusiastically recalled the first time he was in Kosovo in the early 90s. During the event, he was also awarded the Global Leadership Award.