
Nursing Pearson

J-Pattern Admin
Last Update August 5, 2024
0 already enrolled

Overview of the Program

The Nursing program at Universum International College is a program accredited by the English BTEC Pearson Institute. BTEC degrees are internationally recognized higher education qualifications at level 4 and 5 that are equivalent to the first and second years of a university degree

Internship and Employment

Employment opportunities after completing studies in this professional field are: numerous, such as in Central and Regional Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers, Sports Clubs, Ordinance and Private Clinic. Students can also advance by continuing with nursing majors or focusing on management positions in health institutions.



First year
Semester I Semester II
No. Subject ECTS No. Subject ECTS
1 Basics of Professional Nursing (I) 7 1 Basics of Professional Nursing (II) 7
2 Ethics in Nursing 3 2 Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (II) 6
3 Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (I) 6 3 Biochemistry and biophysics 5
4 English or German language 3 4 English or German language (II) 3
5 Communication in health and professional nursing 4 5 Nursing Practice in primary care 5
6 Microbiology 4 6 Health Education and Promotion 4
7 Psychology 2 7
8 Study skills 3 8
Second year
Semester III Semester IV
No. Subject ECTS No. Subject ECTS
1 Nursing care for patients with internal diseases 11 1 Nursing care for children and adolescents 10
2 Nutrition and diet 3 2 Nursing care for the elderly, gerontology and rehabilitation 7
3 Sociology of illness and health 3 3 Pharmacology 3
4 Family and community health 3 4 Nursing care and mental health 7
5 Diagnostic and therapeutic program 7 5 Elective 3
6 Elective 3 6

Enrollment requirements

  • To enroll in our programs, all applicants must submit ONLINE or in person; the following documents:
  • Birth certificate
  • ● High school diploma
  • ● Grade sheet for cl. 10, 11 and 12
  • ● Matriculation test certificate
  • Legalized documents issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo for all those who have completed their education outside the Republic of Kosovo.

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J-Pattern Admin

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