Circular Economy Conference
December 2, 2022 2023-11-06 11:11Circular Economy Conference
“Circular Economy focused on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)”
Working in the circular economy means working on most (SDGs) global sustainable development goals, not only in reducing costs but as a business model. In some areas of the world, the action takes place under the framework of SDGs where in some countries, climate issues are the dominant impetus for action, and some others focus on measures that create economically stable cities, while we in the Western Balkan region are at the stage of the definition of transition towards a circular economy. For this reason, Universum College in the framework of the LOgEX community, together with other companies and organizations, organizes activities for the circular economy every year, including: sustainable fashion festival, conference, workshop, etc.
1. Circular economy 2022:
The conference held at Universum College on 23 May 2022, brought together over 70 distinguished panelists and participants from the six Western Balkan countries and EU to discuss Circular Economy policies in the region; how to bridge the gap between theory and practice; and, how to implement a Circular Economy in practice.
Circular economy activites:
Link to the agenda :
2. Sustainable fashion festival 2022:
Sustainable Fashion Festival organised by member of the LogEx Community, Universum College, during the Western Balkans Circular Economy Week 23 - 27 May 2022. The festival promoted recycling of unused clothes and creation of eco-friendly clothing.